Upcoming Events at TennisFre0 & FPscc
Patron's Cup Medal Tournanament
Start time: 2pm
Cost is $10 for members and $20 for visitors.
Members are requested to bring a plate for afternoon tea.
2024/2025 Season Open Day
Saturday (5th October) from 2pm - 5pm.
A free day for all members (and guests) to come down for a social hit starting at 2pm, with afternoon tea at 3.30pm, and finishing around 5pm for some socialising at the bar.
Members are requested to bring a plate to share for afternoon tea, while the Committee will provide some bar snacks to enjoy.
All 10 grass courts will be open, and we look forward to catching up with members and guests who may have been hibernating over the winter months.
U/12 & U14 National Girls Championships
We are hosting the U12 & U14 Girls championships on Friday, Sat & Sun, 1-3rd Dec.
Play is scheduled around our Social & Pennant time for both Seniors & Juniors.
It does mean all 10 grass courts are booked for these times.
Come down to watch the next Ash Barty of Aussie tennis.
Friday Family Sundowner
Friday 24th November 4.30-6.30pm
All junior and senior members welcome social matchplay and games.
Freo vs East Freo Tennis Derby
With about 15 years between events, here is the return of our local Fremantle tennis derby!
WHEN: Sunday 5th November
1.30pm arrival for a 2pm start
WHAT TO BRING: Please bring a plate for afternoon tea
WHERE: Fremantle Tennis Club
Response required…
Your registration is required by Wednesday 1st November, please email info@tennisfreo.com.au
2023/2024 Opening Day and Patrons Cup
This year our Opening Day will also be our first medal tournament sponsored by our local council patrons.
COST: $10 for members, $20 for visitors
WHAT TO BRING: A plate for afternoon tea
Let's make the first day of the 2023/24 calendar one to remember!
Busy Bee
Register your attendance by emailing info@tennisfreo.com.au and send your suggestions on what needs to be done around the club.

Melbourne Cup Day - Tuesday November 1st
Melbourne Cup Day
Tuesday November 1st 10am to 5pm
$45 members $50 guests
Free drink on arrival
In-house ‘bookies’ win & place, sweeps & $1 mystery trifecta
12.30pm Roast Buffet lunch with dessert
2pm Dance to Chain Reaction Duo
Hobby horse race & best outfit competition
Book early through your club President. Limited places available

2022 - Annual General Meeting
Dear Members
You are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting, which will be held at the Club on Saturday 23 July 2022 at 4.00pm. Please come along and participate - the more feedback and suggestions we have, the better we are able to service our members.
You are also invited to nominate for positions on the management committee - vacant or otherwise. All nominations must include the nominee's signature, the signature of the nominator and the signature of the seconder. The nomination form should then be sent to the secretary at info@tennisfreo.com.au by Sunday 26 June 2022. Click here to download the nomination form. NominationForm.pdf
The committee looks forward to seeing you at the AGM. If the weather is fine, come and play before the meeting.
Date : Saturday 23 July 2022
Time : 4.00pm
Location: Fremantle Sport and Community Centre.
All Club Members are invited and welcome to attend the Annual General Meeting. Order of business will be –
Minutes of AGM of 24th July 2021
Presentation of Annual Report
Election of Office Bearers
General Business
(Items can be submitted in advance, either to the President or prior to commencement of meeting)
Phil Bayley

Seniors end of season dinner and awards presentation
MC Brian Chang and band
Dinner followed by awards presentations
Door and raffle prizes
$50 per person
Dress : smart casual
Book now as numbers limited
Menu choices include meat, fish and vegetarian options
To book tickets contact Malcolm on 046 664 2289 with table requests, names and menu choices
Ticket Payments to BSB: 633 000 Account: 1632 451 37